Leduc Alliance Church has joined our youth group with Leduc Fellowship Church (LFC). Pastor Shannon (LAC) and Pastor Scott (LFC) are excited about the opportunity to combine our youth groups together and establish a closer working relationship within the Leduc church community.
LFC Youth Ministries exists to encourage students to encounter Jesus in a real and personal way, and to help them build a vocabulary and a lifestyle based on that encounter. Through the Word, Relationships, Worship and Service, we want students to find a place where they feel loved, accepted, valued and challenged, and that they would understand more and more what following Jesus looks like.
Youth Group meets every Wednesday at the LFC church building from 6:30-8:30PM. During this time we get to know each other through games and small groups, and spend time listening to the Word and getting to know Jesus!
For more information you can go to LFC Website https://www.leducfellowship.ca/ or contact Pastor Scott Korman (LFC):
780-986-9299 ext. 202